Thursday, October 11, 2012

5th day

Weight: 175lbs  Bodyfat: Not yet measured  72.46 miles out of 100

Woke up and calves were just sooo sore! I massaged them by rolling on a small tennis ball and they feel a little better. Will also roll on the foam roller before my first morning run. I wish I could take a day off today but the show must go on!

1st Morning run (2.1 miles)

Didn't feel like running this morning but pushed myself to get out of the door and the run went fine. It was sunny and around 45 degrees. I ran really easy and it felt good.

Min HR: 79
Avg HR: 140
Max HR: 174

Sawyer Park bridge that I run on everyday!

2nd Morning run(3 miles)

My second run was also on a trail next to my house and it felt ok except that in the middle I had to climb this big hill and I didn't feel like it. I took a nap after this run to recharge my batteries. When I woke up I massaged my calves some more with the massage stick and I felt ready to tackle another 8 miler!

Min HR: 79
Avg HR: 135
Max HR: 165

Afternoon run (8.37 miles)

I ran at the Old Mill river trail in Bend. The weather was perfect for running (75 degrees or so) and it motivated me to enjoy the run and forget about the mileage. I had my best run so far and felt like I could have gone much faster but didn't want to push it too much for fear of not making it through the week which is my goal. So I kept it under control and tried to keep most of my miles under 9 minutes pace. I ended up climbing close to 1000 ft. This trail is about 30 seconds per mile slower than a flat course so I think I did well. Did some stretching after the run and I'm ready for the last two days of my week. I'm not nearly as tired as I thought I was going to be.

Min HR: 72
Avg HR: 143
Max HR: 181

Old Mill river trail

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